- 은은하게 퍼지는 쉬운전문용어와 소박한 공부, 쉬운전문용어 포럼, 12/19/2024.
- Programming Language meets Machine Learning, KAISTPL, Apr 2022.
- Software Bloat: Problems and Automated Debloating Systems, Korean Computer System Society, 02/02/2021.
- Continuous and Interactive Program Reasoning, Korea University and Seoul National University, Dec 2018.
- Program Transformation for Reducing Software Complexity, Korea University, 07/09/2018.
- User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference, KAIST, 07/06/2018.
- Interactive Alarm Ranking System using Bayesian Inference, Korea University, 01/04/2018.
- Machine-Learning-Guided Selectively Unsound Static Analysis, Naver, 06/26/2017.
- Selectively Sensitive Static Analysis by Impact Pre-analysis and Machine Learning, Ph.D. Defense, 05/02/2017.
- Inferbo: Infer-based buffer-overrun analyzer, Korea University, 04/14/2017.
- Inferbo: Infer-based buffer-overrun analyzer, KAIST, 03/24/2017.
- Selectively Sensitive Static Analysis by Impact Pre-analysis and Machine Learning, Codemind, 02/20/2017.