Improving Fault Localization with External Oracle by using Counterfactual Execution
Jongchan Park,
Tae Eun Kim,
Dongsun Kim,
and Kihong Heo
TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology , 2024
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Evaluating Directed Fuzzers: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?
Tae Eun Kim,
Jaeseung Choi,
Seongjae Im,
Kihong Heo,
and Sang Kil Cha
FSE 2024: International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering , 2024
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Translation Validation for JIT Compiler in the V8 JavaScript Engine
Seungwan Kwon,
Jaeseong Kwon,
Wooseok Kang,
Juneyoung Lee,
and Kihong Heo
ICSE 2024: International Conference on Software Engineering , 2024
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DAFL: Directed Grey-box Fuzzing Guided by Data Dependency
Tae Eun Kim,
Jaeseung Choi,
Kihong Heo,
and Sang Kil Cha
Security 2023: USENIX Security Symposium , 2023
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Tracer: Signature-based Static Analysis for Detecting Recurring Vulnerabilities
Wooseok Kang,
Byoungho Son,
and Kihong Heo
CCS 2022: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security , 2022
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Learning Probabilistic Models for Static Analysis Alarms
Hyunsu Kim,
Mukund Raghothaman,
and Kihong Heo
🏆 Best Artifact Award
ICSE 2022: International Conference on Software Engineering , 2022
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PacJam: Securing Dependencies Continuously via Package-Oriented Debloating
Pardis Pashakhanloo,
Aravind Machiry,
Hyonyoung Choi,
Anthony Canino,
Kihong Heo,
Insup Lee,
and Mayur Naik
ASIACCS 2022: ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security , 2022
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Boosting Static Analysis Accuracy With Instrumented Test Executions
Tianyi Chen,
Kihong Heo,
and Mukund Raghothaman
ESEC/FSE 2021: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering , 2021
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Synthesizing Datalog Programs using Numerical Relaxation
Xujie Si,
Mukund Raghothaman,
Kihong Heo,
and Mayur Naik
IJCAI 2019: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence , 2019
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Continuously Reasoning about Programs via Differential Bayesian Inference
Kihong Heo,
Mukund Raghothaman,
Xujie Si,
and Mayur Naik
🏆 Distinguished Paper Award
PLDI 2019: Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2019
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Resource-aware Program Analysis via Online Abstraction Coarsening
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Hongseok Yang
🏆 Distinguished Paper Award
ICSE 2019: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering , 2019
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Effective Program Debloating via Reinforcement Learning
Kihong Heo,
Woosuk Lee,
Pardis Pashakhanloo,
and Mayur Naik
CCS 2018: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security , 2018
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User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference
Mukund Raghothaman,
Sulekha Kulkarni,
Kihong Heo,
and Mayur Naik
PLDI 2018: Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2018
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Accelerating Search-Based Program Synthesis Using Learned Probabilistic Models
Woosuk Lee,
Kihong Heo,
Rajeev Alur,
and Mayur Naik
PLDI 2018: Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2018
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Difflog: Beyond Deductive Methods in Program Analysis
Mukund Raghothaman,
Sulekha Kulkarni,
Richard Zhang,
Xujie Si,
Kihong Heo,
Woosuk Lee,
and Mayur Naik
ML4P: 1st Workshop on Machine Learning for Programming , 2018
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Learning Analysis Strategies for Octagon and Context Sensitivity from Labeled Data Generated by Static Analyses
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Hongseok Yang
FMSD: Formal Methods in System Design , 2018
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Adapting Static Analysis via Learning with Bayesian Optimization
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
Hongseok Yang,
and Kwangkeun Yi
TOPLAS: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems , 2018
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Machine-Learning-Guided Selectively Unsound Static Analysis
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Kwangkeun Yi
ICSE 2017: The 39th International Conference on Software Engineering , 2017
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Automatically Generating Features for Learning Program Analysis Heuristics for C-Like Languages
Kwonsoo Chae,
Hakjoo Oh,
Kihong Heo,
and Hongseok Yang
OOPSLA 2017: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications , 2017
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Selective Conjunction of Context-sensitivity and Octagon Domain toward Scalable and Precise Global Static Analysis
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Kwangkeun Yi
SP&E: Software-Practice and Experience , 2017
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Sound Non-Statistical Clustering of Static Analysis Alarms
Woosuk Lee,
Wonchan Lee,
Dongok Kang,
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Kwangkeun Yi
TOPLAS: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems , 2017
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Learning a Variable-Clustering Strategy for Octagon from Labeled Data Generated by a Static Analysis
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Hongseok Yang
SAS 2016: The 23rd Static Analysis Symposium , 2016
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Selective X-Sensitive Analysis Guided by Impact Pre-Analysis
Hakjoo Oh,
Wonchan Lee,
Kihong Heo,
Hongseok Yang,
and Kwangkeun Yi
TOPLAS: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems , 2016
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Widening with Thresholds via Binary Search
Sol Kim,
Kihong Heo,
Hakjoo Oh,
and Kwangkeun Yi
SP&E: Software-Practice and Experience , 2016
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Selective Context-Sensitivity Guided by Impact Pre-Analysis
Hakjoo Oh,
Wonchan Lee,
Kihong Heo,
Hongseok Yang,
and Kwangkeun Yi
PLDI 2014: The 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference of Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2014
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Global Sparse Analysis Framework
Hakjoo Oh,
Kihong Heo,
Wonchan Lee,
Woosuk Lee,
Daejun Park,
Jeehoon Kang,
and Kwangkeun Yi
TOPLAS: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems , 2014
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A Sparse Evaluation Technique for Detailed Semantic Analyses
Yoonseok Ko,
Kihong Heo,
and Hakjoo Oh
Computer Languages, Systems, & Structures , 2014
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Design and Implementation of Sparse Global Analyses for C-like Languages
Hakjoo Oh,
Kihong Heo,
Wonchan Lee,
Woosuk Lee,
and Kwangkeun Yi
PLDI 2012: The 33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference of Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2012
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